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Reshaping the Nose (Rhinoplasty)

The nose can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and serves a vital function (breathing) in addition to being a primary feature of the face. Therefore, any good rhinoplasty surgeon must possess different techniques and skill sets to address the various cosmetic concerns related to the nose. Using exactly the same approach to every nose can result in that “done” look. It can also ignore ethnic, cultural, and personal differences of opinion on just what makes for a beautiful nose.

Sometimes, when thinking about the nose and its outer appearance, we forget that it also plays an important role in the way we breathe. Changing the outer structure of the nose can also alter its function—and not always for the better. As a result, rhinoplasty (or the nose job) must achieve a pleasing shape without compromising airflow. In fact, many people have rhinoplasty to not only improve the look of their noses but to breathe better, too.

For these reasons, Dr. Jen Chow provides a variety of options for reshaping the nose. He offers both surgical and nonsurgical rhinoplasty procedures, depending on your personal aesthetic goals. He will take the time to discuss your cosmetic concerns in great detail and even offer digital imaging, when appropriate, to facilitate communication about just what sort of nose you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

During a rhinoplasty consultation, the surgeon will thoroughly discuss your goals and patient expectations. It includes assessing your facial features, reviewing your medical history, and explaining the surgical process.

As a part of the consultation process, you can expect a detailed examination of your nose, including its structure and any functional concerns. Surgical planning will be discussed, and you'll have the opportunity to ask questions about the procedure.

Following rhinoplasty, expect a recovery period with swelling and bruising. You should observe postoperative care instructions, encompassing medication, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments. Initial improvements may be seen within weeks, while final results become more apparent over several months.

Consistency in postoperative care improves the healing timeline and leads to optimal results.

Rhinoplasty, like any other surgery, comes with inherent surgical risks, infection, bleeding, and anesthesia-related concerns. These potential complications, including the possibility of patient dissatisfaction, are thoroughly discussed during the consultation.

With patient safety as a priority, Dr. Chow provides comprehensive information. It helps patients make informed decisions and fosters a trusting patient-surgeon relationship.

The resultant timeline for rhinoplasty is gradual, with initial improvements within weeks. However, complete refinement and the realization of the final outcome may take several months. Patience is key, as swelling subsides during the healing process, allowing tissues to settle into their new shape for the best aesthetic results.

Yes, rhinoplasty can be combined with other facial surgeries to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Combining procedures like facelifts or chin augmentation in surgery improves the overall balance and appearance of the face. The benefits and considerations of these combined procedures are thoroughly discussed during the consultation for informed decision-making.

Preparing for a nose job involves a few key steps. Follow preoperative preparation guidelines diligently, such as discontinuing specific medications and avoiding blood-thinning substances. Communicate with Dr. Chow about your medical history and concerns for a personalized procedure.

Arrange postoperative support for the initial recovery period while observing patient guidelines. Create a comfortable recovery space at home, and mentally prepare by understanding the procedure. Commit to following postoperative care instructions for optimal results.

This comprehensive approach, focusing on preoperative preparation, improves your surgery readiness and contributes to a positive rhinoplasty experience.

Rhinoplasty typically involves minimal visible scarring, as incisions are often discreet. The healing process includes initial swelling and bruising, which gradually disappear after a few weeks. The postoperative appearance improves as the nose settles into its final shape, with any residual swelling resolving over time.

The duration of a rhinoplasty procedure varies depending on its complexity and the specific techniques used. Generally, it can take one to three hours.

Choosing a qualified surgeon is critical for the success of your nose job. Look for a board-certified facial plastic surgeon with extensive experience in nose reshaping. Dr. Chow is a board-certified surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty, allowing you to receive expert care and achieve your aesthetic goals.

Insurance coverage for rhinoplasty depends on whether the procedure is cosmetic or medically necessary. Nose procedures aimed at improving breathing or correcting a deformity might be covered. We recommend consulting with your insurance provider and our office to learn more about your coverage options.

Getting the best outcome involves following pre- and post-surgery instructions, maintaining realistic expectations, and choosing a surgeon like Dr. Chow, who has a proven track record in achieving natural-looking results in Arcadia rhinoplasty.

To ensure patient satisfaction, Dr. Chow employs imaging software during consultations. This technology simulates potential outcomes, enabling patients to visualize the possible changes they can expect. If you want an Asian rhinoplasty, you can explore the potential results through this imaging technology. It’s important to have realistic expectations and to discuss these thoroughly with Dr. Chow to keep them aligned with your goals and what is surgically possible.

Book a Consultation Today

Are you considering rhinoplasty? If you’re looking for the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Arcadia, CA, you may want to consider Dr. Jen Chow. Schedule a consultation with him and our experienced team at the Chow Center for Facial Plastic Surgery to explore personalized insights and guidance when it comes to a nose job. Contact us today to book your appointment.


See Our Reviews

  • I had been to other plastic surgeons before but never got the service, low rate and amazing natural work that Dr. Chow performs. When I got my work done nobody could tell what was done but knew something looked fresh and great. Thank you so much!
  • I went in to see Dr. Chow and he was amazing throughout the entire process, from the reception, to consultation, until the end. He answered all of my questions and made me feel absolutely comfortable with his abilities.
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