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Plastic Surgery Blog

Getting Juvederm Injections Can Help Reduce Wrinkles

As you age, the early signs of getting older inevitably reflects on the skin in the form of wrinkles, dark spots, and pigmentation. Sometimes wrinkles also appear due to factors other than aging such as frequent exposure to ultraviolet radiation, smoking, stress, and even certain repeated facial movements. Wrinkles commonly appear around the mouth, edges […]

Should I Come In For A Mini Facelift?

Over the course of time, our faces will begin to change by developing wrinkles, fine lines, and other features that can make you look older. These early signs of aging may be the result of genetics, pollutants, poor lifestyle habits, gravity, and more. If you find yourself looking in the mirror and you aren’t pleased […]

Thinking About Asian Eyelid Lift Surgery?

“Single eyelids” is a common characteristic among Asians and comprises approximately 50 percent of the population. It is a type of eye without an upper eyelid crease. It is not a physical anomaly or a genetic malfunction, it is simply a unique trait transferred from generation to generation. More and more people, however, are interested […]

Is the Endoscopic Forehead Lift the Better Choice?

Do you have a problem with sagging skin on the forehead? This is an issue that many people have to deal with as they age. It can lead to drooping and misshapen eyebrows, resulting in an aged and tired expression that is permanently fixed to the face. This can cause feelings of insecurity and a […]

Have You Heard About the Endoscopic Forehead Lift?

As we age, we tend to develop frown lines, smile lines, folds, and wrinkles on the forehead. These can develop from gravity, stress, sun exposure, and other environmental factors. As a result, the brow can make you look much older than you are and affect the way you feel about yourself. In the past, people […]

Regrow the Dark, Full Lashes You Deserve

People lose their eyelashes for many reasons, including rubbing or scratching their eyes too much, stress, hormonal imbalances, allergies, age, and a number of other factors. We all want full, dark, and thick eyelashes without having to apply loads of mascara. Unfortunately, there are not very many products available on the market to grow back […]

Asian Rhinoplasty Enhances the Nose While Preserving Aesthetic Cultural Identity

Rhinoplasty helps to reshape the nose and give it a better and more attractive shape and overall appearance. During rhinoplasty, it is important to retain certain nasal features intrinsic to the patient’s culture, race, and ethnicity; too many changes will look unnatural and will not suit the face. The Asian continent consists of people from […]

Poly-L-Lactic Acid and Sculptra

Wish you could refresh your face? With aging comes a loss in facial volume, leading to a hollow appearance of the cheeks, below the eyes, and in the temples. Wrinkles and lines appear as well, adding years to one’s look. In very thin people and athletes such as body builders, there is less facial fat, […]

Nasal Surgery to Correct a Dorsal Hump

We may want the perfectly shaped nose with a straight bridge and triangular tip between almond-shaped nostrils. But not everyone is blessed with the perfect nose, and those who aren’t can always have plastic surgery to help achieve their aesthetic goals. What Is Rhinoplasty? Nasal surgery, technically known as rhinoplasty, is the plastic surgery procedure […]

A Necklift as Part of a Full Facelift

Your face is the most defining part of your body. It’s what people see and judge when they meet you. Unfortunately, it’s also the part that gets affected most by the elements. The face, along with the neck, is subject to aging, sagging, lines, and wrinkles more than any other part of the body. Unfair, […]


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  • I had been to other plastic surgeons before but never got the service, low rate and amazing natural work that Dr. Chow performs. When I got my work done nobody could tell what was done but knew something looked fresh and great. Thank you so much!
  • I went in to see Dr. Chow and he was amazing throughout the entire process, from the reception, to consultation, until the end. He answered all of my questions and made me feel absolutely comfortable with his abilities.
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